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I need to recreate material fragments of history that seem to have been waiting for centuries to be unearthed. I am addicted to that feeling of being the first person to watch and touch an object after thousands of years of its being buried under layers of stones and ground. Because of that, I don ´t like to speak about myself as an artist but as an imaginary treasure hunter, a furtive archaeologist, a collector, an objet trouvée seeker. The search begins in the streets looking for old posters and advertising material glued to walls. Then comes the digging through layers of papers. Once I have them at home I "become time" by burying them in containers with a mix of liquid and ground. After months, when the matter is old enough, I continue digging, this time to choose the fragments I need to recreate a flat collage-landscape. There is the site. Sometimes it needs a touch of paint here and there, perhaps a scratch or some drawing traces in the right place. Once the surface is ready my eyes anxiously begin to search for any symbol, any combination of colors and textures, any geometry that can lead me to that precious object I need to add to my collection.

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